Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Lesson 12

In this lesson I had to solder my lED light and sufficiently wire it. I used about 15cm of LED light in my lamp. It was not a difficult task but I had to be cautious as I was using a hot soldering iron. I first soldered my LED light strip to some wires, and to finish up the lesson I cleaned the aluminum body with methylanespirits.
It was a productive lesson.


Ergonomics is the study of designing equipment and devices that fit the human body, it's movements, and it's cognitive abilities.
Ergonomics relates to the objects interaction with the human body.
Comfort, safety, convenience, ease-of-use,ease-of-sight.
My lamp is very safe, easy to use, easy to look at, and is convenient to use.
Therefore I believe my lamp is very ergonomic.


Economics analyzes the production, of a specific thing and how much it costs to produces. It is a big part in the process of reflection to Asses how much your product is valued at.

Heat shrink: $0.24
Aluminum body: $2.40
jarrah base: $2.40
Power cord: $2.80
Poly propylene:$ 0.20
LED strip: $7.00


Aesthetics is the branch of engeneering dealing with the nature of beauty.
I am happy with my lamps aethetics. It's consummate reflection management is well managed and I am glad with it's design. It is practical and industrial looking.
My lamp light brighteness reflects of the aliminium in a a well managed way and this creates a good ambiance around the lamp to create great aesthetics.


The quality of being suited to serve a purpose well; practicality.
The purpose that something is designed or expected to fulfill.
My lamp is very functional and works efficiently and effectively.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Lesson 9

In today's lesson I drilled my lamp onto it's base which was fun but complicated. It was interesting to see each persons different design and how they were coming along. The overall aesthetics of my lamp was starting to look really good. I drilled two holes in the metal close together near the bottom of the aluminum to create a stable base. I then sanded some more with sand paper and cut the top part of the aluminum (where my led light will be) off a bit. This was to make the lamp more balanced and centered.

Lesson 8

In today's lesson we began molding the shape of our lamp. It was heaps fun. My design was simple, but stable and efficient. I was very pleased with the shape. It was almost exactly how I imagined it. I also shaped the base in which the lamp was going to be placed on which was very simple and made the lamp a lot more stable. I sanded the base to curve/blunt any sharp or rough edges and in the end was very pleased with the result.

Lesson 7

In today's lesson we mostly studied for our evaluation we have to hand in a long with our finished lamp. It was interesting to find out different information about light and global warming ect...
We didn't work in the workshop this lesson but we still did work on our blogs and written evaluation.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Lesson 6

Today in Design Futures we are finally starting in the workshop. I've finally found my design for my lamp and I'm excited to get started. The machines I'll be using to produce my lamp are:
The scroll saw
The buffing machine
The belt sander
And the band saw

I'm excited to finally get into the aesthetics part of the lamp and begin working on the lamps functionality.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Lesson 5

Today we talked about energy efficientcy; how light effects our lives and how we interpret light. These subjects were very interesting as we were shown images of light and it was suprising to see how much we need light in our day to day lives. This lesson I'm planning to finally decide which lamp I will be making for this term. I have a few ideas but one in particular I like.
This lesson I hope to research a but more about light and how I will incorporate light in my LED lamp.