Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Question 3 : Compression Moulding

Question 2 : Tabel (2 common Polyethylene)

This is a table of 2 common Polyethylene (plastics) and there industrial name, common name, properties, and uses.

Question 1 : Machines and WPH&S

  •   Wear Safety Glasses- to protect eyes from dust or debris - Sanders create large amounts of wood dust and small splinters. The direction of the rotating belt will throw the dust and splinters towards you. Without safety glasses these particles can end up in your eyes.
  •   Do not wear loose clothes- while using a belt sander. Any type of clothing that can potentially come in contact with a belt sander must be secured. If you are wearing loose pieces of clothing they can easily get caught in the sander.
  •   Wear an apron- when operating the belt sander to prevent dust particles and splinters from being deflected back on your clothes. 

  • When using all drills, WEAR SAFETY GLASSES and
  • DO NOT WEAR loose clothing- Loose clothing could get wrapped up in your drill and may cause serious injury.
  • Use a clamp or vise to hold your work. It's safer and will free both hands for operating.
  • Pay close attention when drilling to prevent accidents or injury.
  • Do not touch the surface after drilling. It is hot and can cause sever burns.


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Desk Tidy Functionality

Functionality: The purpose that something is designed or expected to fulfill. My desk tidy is very functional in regaurds to it being stable, doing the cognitive activties it was designed to fullfil, as well as being something that can be utilized and be used effectivley for productive requirments. The desk tidy I have designed is very stable. It has a large base compartment that holds the entire structure, as well as a cylindric tube that travels all the way up through each compartment stabilizing and balancing each compartment suffiently. I have made sure that my desk tidy is stable and can be used effectivley to hold pencils, pens, rubbers, sticky notes, pins, paperclips, staples, pencil shavings or sharpeners as well as scissors or small rulers. This clearly displays just how functional and productive my desk tidy is.

Desk Tidy Ergonomics

Ergonomics: is the study of designing equipment and devices that fit the human body, its movements, and its cognitive abilities. My desk tidy displays a very ergonomically appealing look and includes very smooth edges and curves to create a flowing feel to the design. The cognitive abilities such as the swivle of the top two compartments displays ergonomics and as does the cyliondric shape of the pencil holding cylinder.

Desk Tidy Aesthetics

Aesthetics pure emotion generated from an object and a sensation is built as opposed to pure intellectually viewed substance. Aestheics is the beauty of a substance and the degree of appeal it has visually to a person. My Desk Tidy is very visually creative and due to the consumate reflection managment, creates aesthetically pleasing lighting that reflects off the desk tidy. The smooth edges and surface of the desk tidy also create an aesthetically pleasing design that generates a more flowing consistant flow between the edges and the corners. The shiny surface that is in parts transparent forms interesting lighting and dimensions.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Different Angels of my Desk Tidy Design

Design by Wk 8

This is an image of my almost completed desk tidy. As you can see in the picture above the two smaller moveable trays are siting tight on the cylinder spine of the desk tidy that has a plug in it, deep enough for pencils to sit stabley in. The base on the bottom is a larger container cavity {that i am going to spray paint} that holds the desk tidies structure and gives the whole design stability.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Reflection 5

After Completeing the base, cylinder pencil holder, and the two swivel cavities I am now up to my final cavity. But I have redesigned the cavity to be more productive and convenient. I have decided to make the last cavity a still cavity that is larger and sits on the bottom or top of the desk tidy as a pencil, pen, sticky note, paper clip, pin, or even pencil shaving holder.