Thursday, October 25, 2012

Reflection 4

I have finally completed my mechanisisms shaft which is made of wood, and consists of cylinder shaped compartments that move in a osciallating motion. This allows my mechanism to preform it functions affectivley. So far I am well ahead of schedual with only a few minor details to perfect reguarding my mechanisms asthetic appeal and some wires to add. I have been in previous lessons trying to make my toy ergonimically functional by sanding the edges with the sand belt and perfecting my measurments for optimal functionality. This has allowed me to clearly visualize the remaining process i will need to complete to complete my mechanism. I have decided to stick solely to the original design and not add lots of improvments, although I have decided to add a worm componenet in which it will be moving in a motion that makes it look like the birds are trying to eat the worm. This will give greater appeal to the toy and will make the toy more advanced.

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