Sunday, August 4, 2013

New Unit Of Work

The Breif: Designing a Small Vehicle that can travel 8 meters in the fastest time
So far I have only ideated and started working on my vehicles shape. I am beginning to consider the vehicles aerodynamic structure and hopefully by the next lesson I can begin putting together the wires of the car and solder them together. A few things I have noted that I am going to incorporate into my vehicle to ensure it drives as fast as possible is;
- I will minimize the length of the wires to ensure that I utilize as much of the battery energy as possible.
- I will maximize aerodynamics by installing on the tip of my vehicle a plastic pointy tranglular tip that will help direct the wind around the vehicle as it travels.
- I will consider the positioning of all my elements needed to run it (battery pack, motor, switch ect...) to ensure I have an optimal balance of weight on my vehicle that will assist in the vehicle reaching its maximum velocity faster.

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