Thursday, October 17, 2013

Recent Progress on my Trebuchet

Week 2 Keeley and I have begun the production process for our Trebuchet. It is comming along nicley as we've managed to construct a sturdy yet smooth functioning trebuchet that meets the requirments for this breif. So far I'm very pleased with the way it is coming along I just hope we don't continue to have nailing issues. Recently Keeley and I have found it difficult to adequtley construct a strong bond between two pieces of wood. We've had to deal with nails that are to long and come out the bottom of the wood when hammered in completely, we've had wood split when we've tried to hammer nails into it, and we've had nails bending whilst we've tried to hammer them in. It really has been a difficult process but it is slowly, piece-by-piece, coming together. We are on schedual so far, lets hope things don't get to much more complicated when Keeley and I begin to make the throwing arm, and the rest of the frame.

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