Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Catapult Arm

The trebuchet catapult arm is secure now. It has been bolted and hot glued into place which ensure that it is firmly secure in place, but there is the appropriate amount of motion needed for the catapult arm to propel the golf ball through the air. This motion can also be enhanced by applying grease or lubricant on to the pivot point of the trebuchet.


Our trebuchet is gradually coming together. My absence these past few weeks of the production process meant we were unable as a group to collaborate on decisions, but given these circumstances I believe we will produce a quality trebuchet that provided adequate functionality. We still have the wheels, golf ball holder, and to complete the catapult arm, and we don't have much time left. So this next week we will have to work especially fast and efficiently in the workshop. I may organise with the group to come in the workshop one lunch time.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Recent Progress on my Trebuchet

Week 2 Keeley and I have begun the production process for our Trebuchet. It is comming along nicley as we've managed to construct a sturdy yet smooth functioning trebuchet that meets the requirments for this breif. So far I'm very pleased with the way it is coming along I just hope we don't continue to have nailing issues. Recently Keeley and I have found it difficult to adequtley construct a strong bond between two pieces of wood. We've had to deal with nails that are to long and come out the bottom of the wood when hammered in completely, we've had wood split when we've tried to hammer nails into it, and we've had nails bending whilst we've tried to hammer them in. It really has been a difficult process but it is slowly, piece-by-piece, coming together. We are on schedual so far, lets hope things don't get to much more complicated when Keeley and I begin to make the throwing arm, and the rest of the frame.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Car #2

Car #2

This is an image of my Second Attempt at my vehicle - the difference from this car to my first car is the noticeable incline in slope of the battery pack which should assist the air to flow over the car, which in return will increase the aerodynamics of the car as its velocity increases.
This car has a thinner body, which will decrease the overall mass of the car, and therefore increase the velocity of the object.
So far in this car I have soldered the wires, and even though there are still some fine details that need to be attended to, the overall car has been lubricated and glued on. The vehicles wires have also been connected but I still have to glue the switch in place as well as the front wheels, but I feel confident that it will be ready to go by its due date.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

New Unit Of Work

The Breif: Designing a Small Vehicle that can travel 8 meters in the fastest time
So far I have only ideated and started working on my vehicles shape. I am beginning to consider the vehicles aerodynamic structure and hopefully by the next lesson I can begin putting together the wires of the car and solder them together. A few things I have noted that I am going to incorporate into my vehicle to ensure it drives as fast as possible is;
- I will minimize the length of the wires to ensure that I utilize as much of the battery energy as possible.
- I will maximize aerodynamics by installing on the tip of my vehicle a plastic pointy tranglular tip that will help direct the wind around the vehicle as it travels.
- I will consider the positioning of all my elements needed to run it (battery pack, motor, switch ect...) to ensure I have an optimal balance of weight on my vehicle that will assist in the vehicle reaching its maximum velocity faster.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Aerodynamics and Car Velocity

Triangular car base
- This will increase aerodynamics as the wind will not cause resistance on the cars movement as the cars pointy tip will break the still air as it passes through, allowing it to reach maximum speed faster.
Plastic Pointy Tip
- This tip will help guide the wind wind/air over the top of the vehicle, this will further decrease the cars resistance and therefore allow it to travel faster.
- The tyres can be dismantled further, removing the outside grip and inner rims to reduce total car mass, and a lighter car means less weight and therefore a greater velocity.