Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Process of Creating my Lamp

The Cycle of Designing:

  1. First I Investigated the problem/task/brief.
  2. Secondly I began forming ideas of how to solve my problem/task/brief.
  3. Thirdly I began the process of creating my solution to the brief. This is called the Production.
  4. And finally you're required to concluded the entire process with an evaluation of all these steps and what they entailed.

With my lamp I first investigated the brief and discussed the brief with my classmates and teacher. Then I (using isometric grid paper) drew up several ideas about what my lamp was to look like, how big it would be, and made sure the design I choose fit all the needed requirements, which include; function, ergonomics, economics, and aesthetics. Then I actually began the production of making my lamp which was perhaps the longest and most important element of the whole process of solving the brief. It involved working with many different materials and machines such as:
  • The Scroll Saw
  • The Buffing Machine
  • The Belt Sander
  • The Band Saw
It was an intriguing and interesting process and probably the part of the entire process in which I learnt the most. And then finally to properly conclude the entire process you're to create an evaluation on the entire process and explain in depth interesting facts, or information that relate to your lamp or the production.

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