Sunday, May 20, 2012

Reflection 4

My second shelf and cavity are coming along nicely like before but it has proven difficult to get it to look exactly like my first cavity. I've had to use numerouse sanding and shaping tools to create it's shape and use glue to permanently maintain its structure and to cover up any deformities or imperfections the cavity may carry. In regards to my shelf I have made it 28mm in diameter whilst my cavities is 32mm. I made my shelfs diameter smaller so it would be tight fitting around the pencil holding cavity in which the cavity and shelfs sit on, and my cavities diameter bigger to allow a swivel movement whilst the shelf is used to stop the cavity from dropping. So far things are going to plan and I have needed to use very little amounts of alternates to fix any original design imperfections.

Reflection 3

I have begun progress on my first shelf and (swivel) cavity container that I intend to use for pins or rubbers or papper clips or staples ect... It is so far been a success but I have found that getting each side at equal height and width has been difficult. Using the strip heater to create the edges and angles of my cavity has proven to be very affective and productive. Using the strip heater has made the process so much easier. Now I just hope I can make my next cavity look similar preferably identicle to this one.

Reflection 2

So far I have only completed my desk tidy spine and my base. I have already found a few anomalies in my original design therefore I'm probably going to have to go back and re think my design in regards to the spine of the desk tidy(the pencil holder). The cylinder pencil holder circumference and depth have caused me to re-think my entire design and breif. I've decided to make the cylinder wider in diameter to create a greater area of capacity. As well as put a plug half way through the cylinder to stop the pencils from dropping through. Although I have encountered a few problems already with the cylinder pencil holder I have no problems what so ever in regards o my base which has been a relief. So far my desk tidy is coming along nicely and I am pleased with its progression.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Reflection 1

I have already began the progress on my desk tidy. It is a slow and steady Process that takes a lot of careful measuring and planning. I have only created the base 200mm by 200mm and the spine for my desk tidy structure, which is comming along nicely but I have already made a few mistakes and it has been made clear to me that every aspect of this project needs precision and caution to correctly complete the breif.