Thursday, August 23, 2012


These are some pictures of the program -Pro/DESKTOP- that I am using in design futures. This shows what we are able to do on the program and shows clearly how this program would make the process of manufacturing, designing ect... much more efficent and easier.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Reflection 5

This lesson I created a wheel on pro desktop using the pro Desktop text book which was fun because I got to learn about the parts and commands needed to make something like that. It was also really cool being able look around the object you made like its real. That's probably the most useful thing with this program is your ability to look at the whole object, every little detail as if it was real. I have begun my assignment and so far i've made quite a bit of progress on the writing portion of it but I still have to complete my vase on pro/desktop, which I might need a bit of help with. Hopefully I can make a start on it by next lesson.

Reflection 4

We have begun to learn about the system pro / desktop in more detail. We have been learning about CAM & especially CAD- computer aided design which talks about the system itself and we've begun talking about our assignment which is a 500 word essay on how CAD has evolved the modern world of manufacturing and designing ect... I'm looking forward to looking into the process of CAD further as i've had great fun making the 3D shapes on Pro/desktop. We have been every lesson so far on the the laptops which although it isn't so active I learn just as much as I did in the workshop. I'm learning a lot of cool functions that enable me to make my objects on pro desktop even more advanced each week. This program enables me to thoroughly inspect the shape I create on the computer like its actually real.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Reflection 3

So far in class we have created using pro desktop a pager which is really cool because it was a tricky process but it helped me develop my knowledge of the program. I have been using the text books Designing with Pro/DESKTOP to help me through all the specific details into creating my pager. This text book is really helpful as it has chapters and chapters on different shapes and objects you can create on the program. This object in particular wasn't to hard to create because i had been creating shapes similar to this pager for a while, but creating the pager did enable me to use commands on pro desktop like toogle construction enabling you to create construction lines so you can properly place shapes on your object. It came in handy when i was placing buttons on my pager.
The program so far is really interesting and im learning more and more about the program each lesson.

Reflection 2

We have begun learning about a variety of commands on the program pro desktop and so far i have learnt about selecting faces and edges, as well as creating differnt shapes. I have been learning mainly about projecting, and extruding shapes.
The process of creating a 3 dimensional shape is firstly creating the base by selecting on the right hand side the shape you want your base to look like. Then you extrude the surface however much you want by clicking the extrude bottom at the bottom of the screen. Aftre extruding your surface to a 3D shape you're then able to project your object, extrude it further to create holes or shapes in it, change its colour or even check out its engenieering drawing were you can find out the shapes dimensions.
It's slowly becomming more and more fimilar to me and most things on the program just require good logic, but the system is very sensitive to small details which makes it tricky when designing things with lots of detail or involving lots of extruding and specific measurments.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Reflection 1

My class has begun work on Pro Desktop, where we are developing 3 dimensional objects using a laptop. It is really interesting to be able to generate all these different shapes using comaands I'm typing into the computer. Im not that familiar yet with all the commands and things I can do on it but my knowledge is expanding each week. This week I learnt how to extrude my base to actually form a 3D shape aswell as rounding edges and adding and subtracting material. It's all very complex and I can tell it will take a while to learn but it's all very interesting and soon we will be making a pager which I'm very excited about.