Sunday, August 19, 2012

Reflection 2

We have begun learning about a variety of commands on the program pro desktop and so far i have learnt about selecting faces and edges, as well as creating differnt shapes. I have been learning mainly about projecting, and extruding shapes.
The process of creating a 3 dimensional shape is firstly creating the base by selecting on the right hand side the shape you want your base to look like. Then you extrude the surface however much you want by clicking the extrude bottom at the bottom of the screen. Aftre extruding your surface to a 3D shape you're then able to project your object, extrude it further to create holes or shapes in it, change its colour or even check out its engenieering drawing were you can find out the shapes dimensions.
It's slowly becomming more and more fimilar to me and most things on the program just require good logic, but the system is very sensitive to small details which makes it tricky when designing things with lots of detail or involving lots of extruding and specific measurments.

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