Sunday, November 4, 2012

Mechanical Toy Progress

As you can see here I havn't began decorating or adding in the fine detail yet. I have only completed the  toys basic structure and the part that will ensure optimal functionallity for effective production.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Reflection 4

I have finally completed my mechanisisms shaft which is made of wood, and consists of cylinder shaped compartments that move in a osciallating motion. This allows my mechanism to preform it functions affectivley. So far I am well ahead of schedual with only a few minor details to perfect reguarding my mechanisms asthetic appeal and some wires to add. I have been in previous lessons trying to make my toy ergonimically functional by sanding the edges with the sand belt and perfecting my measurments for optimal functionality. This has allowed me to clearly visualize the remaining process i will need to complete to complete my mechanism. I have decided to stick solely to the original design and not add lots of improvments, although I have decided to add a worm componenet in which it will be moving in a motion that makes it look like the birds are trying to eat the worm. This will give greater appeal to the toy and will make the toy more advanced.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Reflection 3

Today I am in the workshop starting vital progress on my Mechanical Toy - birds

This is my mechanical toy, and so far I am working on the base and mechanism part. It will take some time and some in-depth planning but I think I am on Schedual time-frame-wise.
I have mostly been using the belt sander to perfect the edges of my base aswell as the hot glue gun and the bandsaw when structuring the base for my moving objects to sit upon. Its taken a while to get the result I wanted, but I am slowly progressing, and am looking forward to next week where I can begin setting up my Mechanism.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Reflection 2

Today many girls have begun working in the workshop but I am still doing some quick decsion making as to which mechanism I want to do. I am stuck between two mechanisms, the birds one and the sailing ship one. Im leaning more towards the birds one as I find the design more interesting and I believe that that particular design I could make look quite well as I have already begun planning the design a bit. I think that the final product will look quite good. Between the time of now and next lesson I will try and find the measurments and then by next lesson I will be able to work in the workshop.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Mechanical Toys Software

This picture shows how the software enables you to strip down the parts of the toy and see the cognitive workings and mechanical process inside the object. This helps with being able to visualize the mechanical structure and movement of the device.

Reflection 1

We've begun work on a new unit for next term.
The breif involves creating a toy with a mechanisim involved that allows the toy to move or function.
To assist us in the creation and ideation of our toy we were shown a software that allows us to visualize examples of toys that have a mechanism attached that enables the still toy to move.
The mechanism allows the toy to perform a range of motions, from simple to very complex.

This is an image of one of the mechanical toys. It shows an example of one of the toys we may be able to make this year.

Thursday, August 23, 2012


These are some pictures of the program -Pro/DESKTOP- that I am using in design futures. This shows what we are able to do on the program and shows clearly how this program would make the process of manufacturing, designing ect... much more efficent and easier.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Reflection 5

This lesson I created a wheel on pro desktop using the pro Desktop text book which was fun because I got to learn about the parts and commands needed to make something like that. It was also really cool being able look around the object you made like its real. That's probably the most useful thing with this program is your ability to look at the whole object, every little detail as if it was real. I have begun my assignment and so far i've made quite a bit of progress on the writing portion of it but I still have to complete my vase on pro/desktop, which I might need a bit of help with. Hopefully I can make a start on it by next lesson.

Reflection 4

We have begun to learn about the system pro / desktop in more detail. We have been learning about CAM & especially CAD- computer aided design which talks about the system itself and we've begun talking about our assignment which is a 500 word essay on how CAD has evolved the modern world of manufacturing and designing ect... I'm looking forward to looking into the process of CAD further as i've had great fun making the 3D shapes on Pro/desktop. We have been every lesson so far on the the laptops which although it isn't so active I learn just as much as I did in the workshop. I'm learning a lot of cool functions that enable me to make my objects on pro desktop even more advanced each week. This program enables me to thoroughly inspect the shape I create on the computer like its actually real.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Reflection 3

So far in class we have created using pro desktop a pager which is really cool because it was a tricky process but it helped me develop my knowledge of the program. I have been using the text books Designing with Pro/DESKTOP to help me through all the specific details into creating my pager. This text book is really helpful as it has chapters and chapters on different shapes and objects you can create on the program. This object in particular wasn't to hard to create because i had been creating shapes similar to this pager for a while, but creating the pager did enable me to use commands on pro desktop like toogle construction enabling you to create construction lines so you can properly place shapes on your object. It came in handy when i was placing buttons on my pager.
The program so far is really interesting and im learning more and more about the program each lesson.

Reflection 2

We have begun learning about a variety of commands on the program pro desktop and so far i have learnt about selecting faces and edges, as well as creating differnt shapes. I have been learning mainly about projecting, and extruding shapes.
The process of creating a 3 dimensional shape is firstly creating the base by selecting on the right hand side the shape you want your base to look like. Then you extrude the surface however much you want by clicking the extrude bottom at the bottom of the screen. Aftre extruding your surface to a 3D shape you're then able to project your object, extrude it further to create holes or shapes in it, change its colour or even check out its engenieering drawing were you can find out the shapes dimensions.
It's slowly becomming more and more fimilar to me and most things on the program just require good logic, but the system is very sensitive to small details which makes it tricky when designing things with lots of detail or involving lots of extruding and specific measurments.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Reflection 1

My class has begun work on Pro Desktop, where we are developing 3 dimensional objects using a laptop. It is really interesting to be able to generate all these different shapes using comaands I'm typing into the computer. Im not that familiar yet with all the commands and things I can do on it but my knowledge is expanding each week. This week I learnt how to extrude my base to actually form a 3D shape aswell as rounding edges and adding and subtracting material. It's all very complex and I can tell it will take a while to learn but it's all very interesting and soon we will be making a pager which I'm very excited about.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Question 3 : Compression Moulding

Question 2 : Tabel (2 common Polyethylene)

This is a table of 2 common Polyethylene (plastics) and there industrial name, common name, properties, and uses.

Question 1 : Machines and WPH&S

  •   Wear Safety Glasses- to protect eyes from dust or debris - Sanders create large amounts of wood dust and small splinters. The direction of the rotating belt will throw the dust and splinters towards you. Without safety glasses these particles can end up in your eyes.
  •   Do not wear loose clothes- while using a belt sander. Any type of clothing that can potentially come in contact with a belt sander must be secured. If you are wearing loose pieces of clothing they can easily get caught in the sander.
  •   Wear an apron- when operating the belt sander to prevent dust particles and splinters from being deflected back on your clothes. 

  • When using all drills, WEAR SAFETY GLASSES and
  • DO NOT WEAR loose clothing- Loose clothing could get wrapped up in your drill and may cause serious injury.
  • Use a clamp or vise to hold your work. It's safer and will free both hands for operating.
  • Pay close attention when drilling to prevent accidents or injury.
  • Do not touch the surface after drilling. It is hot and can cause sever burns.


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Desk Tidy Functionality

Functionality: The purpose that something is designed or expected to fulfill. My desk tidy is very functional in regaurds to it being stable, doing the cognitive activties it was designed to fullfil, as well as being something that can be utilized and be used effectivley for productive requirments. The desk tidy I have designed is very stable. It has a large base compartment that holds the entire structure, as well as a cylindric tube that travels all the way up through each compartment stabilizing and balancing each compartment suffiently. I have made sure that my desk tidy is stable and can be used effectivley to hold pencils, pens, rubbers, sticky notes, pins, paperclips, staples, pencil shavings or sharpeners as well as scissors or small rulers. This clearly displays just how functional and productive my desk tidy is.

Desk Tidy Ergonomics

Ergonomics: is the study of designing equipment and devices that fit the human body, its movements, and its cognitive abilities. My desk tidy displays a very ergonomically appealing look and includes very smooth edges and curves to create a flowing feel to the design. The cognitive abilities such as the swivle of the top two compartments displays ergonomics and as does the cyliondric shape of the pencil holding cylinder.

Desk Tidy Aesthetics

Aesthetics pure emotion generated from an object and a sensation is built as opposed to pure intellectually viewed substance. Aestheics is the beauty of a substance and the degree of appeal it has visually to a person. My Desk Tidy is very visually creative and due to the consumate reflection managment, creates aesthetically pleasing lighting that reflects off the desk tidy. The smooth edges and surface of the desk tidy also create an aesthetically pleasing design that generates a more flowing consistant flow between the edges and the corners. The shiny surface that is in parts transparent forms interesting lighting and dimensions.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Different Angels of my Desk Tidy Design

Design by Wk 8

This is an image of my almost completed desk tidy. As you can see in the picture above the two smaller moveable trays are siting tight on the cylinder spine of the desk tidy that has a plug in it, deep enough for pencils to sit stabley in. The base on the bottom is a larger container cavity {that i am going to spray paint} that holds the desk tidies structure and gives the whole design stability.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Reflection 5

After Completeing the base, cylinder pencil holder, and the two swivel cavities I am now up to my final cavity. But I have redesigned the cavity to be more productive and convenient. I have decided to make the last cavity a still cavity that is larger and sits on the bottom or top of the desk tidy as a pencil, pen, sticky note, paper clip, pin, or even pencil shaving holder.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Reflection 4

My second shelf and cavity are coming along nicely like before but it has proven difficult to get it to look exactly like my first cavity. I've had to use numerouse sanding and shaping tools to create it's shape and use glue to permanently maintain its structure and to cover up any deformities or imperfections the cavity may carry. In regards to my shelf I have made it 28mm in diameter whilst my cavities is 32mm. I made my shelfs diameter smaller so it would be tight fitting around the pencil holding cavity in which the cavity and shelfs sit on, and my cavities diameter bigger to allow a swivel movement whilst the shelf is used to stop the cavity from dropping. So far things are going to plan and I have needed to use very little amounts of alternates to fix any original design imperfections.

Reflection 3

I have begun progress on my first shelf and (swivel) cavity container that I intend to use for pins or rubbers or papper clips or staples ect... It is so far been a success but I have found that getting each side at equal height and width has been difficult. Using the strip heater to create the edges and angles of my cavity has proven to be very affective and productive. Using the strip heater has made the process so much easier. Now I just hope I can make my next cavity look similar preferably identicle to this one.

Reflection 2

So far I have only completed my desk tidy spine and my base. I have already found a few anomalies in my original design therefore I'm probably going to have to go back and re think my design in regards to the spine of the desk tidy(the pencil holder). The cylinder pencil holder circumference and depth have caused me to re-think my entire design and breif. I've decided to make the cylinder wider in diameter to create a greater area of capacity. As well as put a plug half way through the cylinder to stop the pencils from dropping through. Although I have encountered a few problems already with the cylinder pencil holder I have no problems what so ever in regards o my base which has been a relief. So far my desk tidy is coming along nicely and I am pleased with its progression.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Reflection 1

I have already began the progress on my desk tidy. It is a slow and steady Process that takes a lot of careful measuring and planning. I have only created the base 200mm by 200mm and the spine for my desk tidy structure, which is comming along nicely but I have already made a few mistakes and it has been made clear to me that every aspect of this project needs precision and caution to correctly complete the breif.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Aesthetics is a branch dealing with the nature of beauty and whether a certain thing is pleasing to look at. Aesthetics deals with the branch of philosophy that involves with nature and expression of beauty. Aesthetics is a conception of what is artistically valid or beautiful. It is an artistically beautiful or pleasing appearance. My lamp is simple looking but sturdy and well structured. The LED light reflecting of the aluminum body creates a great ambiance around the lamp to achieve excellent aesthetics.

Functionality means the quality of being suited to serve a purpose well; practicality. It means the purpose that something is designed or expected to fulfil. My lamp when plugged in to a power socket produces a sufficient amount of LED light and therefore is fully functional. My lamp is overall function and works efficiently and effectively.

Economics analyses the production, of a specific thing and how much it costs to produce the product. My lamp cost to create:
Heat shrink: $0.24
Aluminum body: $2.40
Jarrah base: $2.40
Peer cord: $2.80
Poly propylene: $0.20
LED strip: $7.00
These are my lamps economics.

Ergonomics is a study of designing equipment and devices that fit the human body, its movements, and it's cognitive abilities. Ergonomics (for human factor) is the scientific discipline concerned with the understanding of interactions among humans and other elements of a system, and the profession that applies theory, principles, data and methods to design in order to optimize human well-being and overall system performance. I sanded all edges of my lamp to ensure safety and consummate ergonomics. I hope to achieve through my design a strong ergonomic design and human body resemblance.

What is the actual difference between light of different colours
The difference between light of different colours is that the brightness of different coloured lights varies as some colours are more dominate, and stronger in the amount of light they produce. For example a white light would be brighter than a dark blue light. Colour derives from the spectrum of light, interacting in the eye with the spectral sensitivities of the light reactors. Objects around us have colours because they absorb these wavelengths to different extents. Visible light is absorbed by a molecule; it can have two consequences for the electrons:
   Electrons can become briefly excited before returning to normal and emitting light
   Electrons can become so excited that they cause bonds to break

Define the following lighting terms
   Ambient Light can refer to the amount of available light in a particular environment, low key lighting which is a photographic technique that only uses a single key light, or even a type of lighting in computer graphics.

   Direct Light Diffuser, is any device that diffuses or spreads out, or scatters light in some manner to create soft lighting. It is very much used in aesthetics, and consummate reflection management. Diffuse light can easily be obtained by making light to reflect diffusely from a white surface, whilst more compact optical diffusers may use translucent objects.

   Luminosity refers to the brightness of a light source of a certain wavelength as it appears to the eye, measured as the ratio of luminous flux to radiant flux at the wavelength.

   Energy Efficiency is energy that can be used in some cases for lighting, but is energy that is in a state or quality of being efficient; competency in performance.

   Watts is the SI unit of power, equivalent to one joule per second and equal to the power in a circuit in which a current of one ampere flows across a potential difference of one volt.

Comment on Global warming
Global warming is an increase in the Earths atmospheric temperature that causes corresponding changes in climate and that may also be a result from the greenhouse effect. Scientist have learned that there are several greenhouse gases responsible for global warming, and humans emit them in a variety of ways. Most come from the combustion of fossil fuels in cars, factories and electricity production. The gas responsible for most global warming would be carbon dioxide. Other contributions include methane, nitro oxide from fertilizers, gases used for refrigeration and industrial processes, and the loss of forests that would otherwise store CO2 (Carbon Dioxide).

How can the modern home become more energy efficient with regard to lighting?
Solar energy and solar systems being used in houses today can really help and support the modern home become more energy efficient in regards to the amount of energy that is used and light. Greenhouse gases are most commonly created via electronic functionality; therefore solar systems installed in homes can create a more energy efficient and eco-friendly environment. Energy efficiency refers to efficient use of energy/light, and solar energy being used in homes is a great way to create energy efficiency, as you are able to keep a track of how much energy you are using, and you are also able to closely manage your use of lighting/energy.

Research a modern-day lighting designer and comment on their contribution to the design world
A modern-day lighting designer who brings an interesting look of light and modern day designing together to form a unique and intriguing design would be Brian Rasmussen. His Icaro table lamp/ swinging lamp is comes in transparent, Matt white or black steel wire which is a very modern aspect of the lamp. The steel wires seem a kind of cage from which the light filters in a neat and easy way. The light bulb of the lamp is protected/covered by a stripe patterned removable material. The lamps modern and intriguing consummate reflection management creates a modern and original ambiance and poignancy. An interesting thing about his lights is that they are suitable for indoor and outdoor environments which show a very diverse and versatile design. A stripe lighting effect is created through the design of the lamp through the way the light and design of the lamp are combined. His intriguing lighting designs bring to the design world a new look on using lighting and design to create different lighting effects, not to mention his unique and creative and structure of his lamp, brings great originality and invention to the design world.

Designer: Braian Rasmussen

This is my lamp just before completeion. i still have to add the power cord and then i will be finished. i am pleased with my lamps overall design and the way it works.

This is my lamp; functional and completed.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Completed Desk Lamp

I have finally completed my lamp!!
I have sanded down the base and sharp edges to improve safety, and economics.
The aluminum body of my lamp is well polished and is very stable.
My LED light is soldered to the wires and to the power cord properly and when plugged in the wall light is produced. Therefore my light is functional.
There isn't too much LED strip so the light isn't incredibly bright that it is hard to look at. There is just the right amount of light produced and the light is facing down as to not effect or distract or annoy the eyes when the lamp is functional.
Aesthetic-wise my lamp looks simple but creates a good balance of light around the lamp through reflection management on the aluminum. This creates a well balanced ambiance around the lamp. Therefore making the lamp aesthetically pleasing.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Process of Creating my Lamp

The Cycle of Designing:

  1. First I Investigated the problem/task/brief.
  2. Secondly I began forming ideas of how to solve my problem/task/brief.
  3. Thirdly I began the process of creating my solution to the brief. This is called the Production.
  4. And finally you're required to concluded the entire process with an evaluation of all these steps and what they entailed.

With my lamp I first investigated the brief and discussed the brief with my classmates and teacher. Then I (using isometric grid paper) drew up several ideas about what my lamp was to look like, how big it would be, and made sure the design I choose fit all the needed requirements, which include; function, ergonomics, economics, and aesthetics. Then I actually began the production of making my lamp which was perhaps the longest and most important element of the whole process of solving the brief. It involved working with many different materials and machines such as:
  • The Scroll Saw
  • The Buffing Machine
  • The Belt Sander
  • The Band Saw
It was an intriguing and interesting process and probably the part of the entire process in which I learnt the most. And then finally to properly conclude the entire process you're to create an evaluation on the entire process and explain in depth interesting facts, or information that relate to your lamp or the production.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Lesson 12

In this lesson I had to solder my lED light and sufficiently wire it. I used about 15cm of LED light in my lamp. It was not a difficult task but I had to be cautious as I was using a hot soldering iron. I first soldered my LED light strip to some wires, and to finish up the lesson I cleaned the aluminum body with methylanespirits.
It was a productive lesson.


Ergonomics is the study of designing equipment and devices that fit the human body, it's movements, and it's cognitive abilities.
Ergonomics relates to the objects interaction with the human body.
Comfort, safety, convenience, ease-of-use,ease-of-sight.
My lamp is very safe, easy to use, easy to look at, and is convenient to use.
Therefore I believe my lamp is very ergonomic.


Economics analyzes the production, of a specific thing and how much it costs to produces. It is a big part in the process of reflection to Asses how much your product is valued at.

Heat shrink: $0.24
Aluminum body: $2.40
jarrah base: $2.40
Power cord: $2.80
Poly propylene:$ 0.20
LED strip: $7.00


Aesthetics is the branch of engeneering dealing with the nature of beauty.
I am happy with my lamps aethetics. It's consummate reflection management is well managed and I am glad with it's design. It is practical and industrial looking.
My lamp light brighteness reflects of the aliminium in a a well managed way and this creates a good ambiance around the lamp to create great aesthetics.


The quality of being suited to serve a purpose well; practicality.
The purpose that something is designed or expected to fulfill.
My lamp is very functional and works efficiently and effectively.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Lesson 9

In today's lesson I drilled my lamp onto it's base which was fun but complicated. It was interesting to see each persons different design and how they were coming along. The overall aesthetics of my lamp was starting to look really good. I drilled two holes in the metal close together near the bottom of the aluminum to create a stable base. I then sanded some more with sand paper and cut the top part of the aluminum (where my led light will be) off a bit. This was to make the lamp more balanced and centered.

Lesson 8

In today's lesson we began molding the shape of our lamp. It was heaps fun. My design was simple, but stable and efficient. I was very pleased with the shape. It was almost exactly how I imagined it. I also shaped the base in which the lamp was going to be placed on which was very simple and made the lamp a lot more stable. I sanded the base to curve/blunt any sharp or rough edges and in the end was very pleased with the result.

Lesson 7

In today's lesson we mostly studied for our evaluation we have to hand in a long with our finished lamp. It was interesting to find out different information about light and global warming ect...
We didn't work in the workshop this lesson but we still did work on our blogs and written evaluation.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Lesson 6

Today in Design Futures we are finally starting in the workshop. I've finally found my design for my lamp and I'm excited to get started. The machines I'll be using to produce my lamp are:
The scroll saw
The buffing machine
The belt sander
And the band saw

I'm excited to finally get into the aesthetics part of the lamp and begin working on the lamps functionality.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Lesson 5

Today we talked about energy efficientcy; how light effects our lives and how we interpret light. These subjects were very interesting as we were shown images of light and it was suprising to see how much we need light in our day to day lives. This lesson I'm planning to finally decide which lamp I will be making for this term. I have a few ideas but one in particular I like.
This lesson I hope to research a but more about light and how I will incorporate light in my LED lamp.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Isometric Ideation Sketches

Ideation & Isometric drawings

Isometric Sketches

 These are some of my Isometric sketches. Isometric Sketches are sketches that are 3 dimensional and are used in designing all the time.

Isometric Sketches

Monday, January 30, 2012

Lesson 2

Today in lesson 2 of design futures for this year we talked more about the brief we were given this term to solve. We were told what was it we would be learning, and how the project would be carried out. This lesson was an important one as we were told in detail some important about how our desk lamps would function, and be made. I took a considerable amounts of notes and now I am up to investigation. The next step is researching what materials, shapes and colours in will use whilst manufacturing my desk lamp. We learnt about LED light, modern lighting designs and functionality. It's clear that these will be important aspects in the designing procedure for my desk lamp.
I can't wait to start researching as I find this project fascinating and very interesting as I have a lot of ideas I'd like to try out.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Lesson 1

Today in Design Futures we discussed what we would be doing this year. This year we are making a desk lamp. To make a successful lamp I will need to make my lamp:
and aesthetically pleasing

This lesson we created our blogs and we are required to frequently enter posts and pictures to show the procedure in which we went through to create our lamp.
Can't wait till next lesson!